allergy sucks !

Our immune system is supposed to be a machine adjusted at the millimeter !
However it is possible that our great machine goes wrong !
These disorders can show themselves under forms of allergies!
But what are allergies? And especially why some people declare them and not the other ?

What’s an allergy?
What we call collectively allergy is no more and no less than an abnormally excessive reaction of our immune system.
It can appear after several ways, from the least disturbing itch to the violent reaction which will drive you in only a few minutes to the hospital.
I am subjected regularly to allergies, then let me tell you what we feel during a crisis of allergy. First of all, it is necessary to know that every person can react in different ways during an allergy. (Buttons, runny nose, red patches, breathlessness etc.) For my case, when I am subjected to the benzyl of benzoate my body secret a mucus which congest my bronchi and starts to suffocate me. My eyes become irritated and red.
This reaction is due to the substance that we name allergenic that is a foreign substance to our immune system. It is necessary to know that the allergen often presents no danger for the most part of people! Then why people who are victims of these allergies are more sensitive to this allergens?

How it starts?
It’s in fact about antibody which are managed against allergens normally without danger.
Normally, proteins fixed to white blood cells named immunoglobulins (glycoproteins which derive from proteins of adhesion) are recognizing pathogenic elements by complementarity of forms in the mucus.
By making this, the immune system begins the program of destruction explained in the introduction of our blog.
However, in case of allergies, immunoglobulins don’t react to allergens because they don't detect them as directly pathogenic.
So, they let them penetrate into the body.
Then they are after antibodies I.g. E (the most one present in our body) which take the relieve and which react very violently to these antigens.
These antibodies start to settle in mastocytes (granular cell presents in tissues conjunctival and which contains for example in our case the histamine). ( Substance which is a chemical mediator responsible for allergic reactions).
This one is going to engender a local oedema which blocks the distribution of allergogènes.
It occurs because the histamine have to settle on the receivers of cells endothéliales of the blood vessels or receivers of muscular cells.
That’s why, for example there is a contraction of bronchi and muscles or itches in the skin. And we make an allergy crisis!
But don't despair for all that if you suffer you from allergies; there’s indeed a process of desensitization that allows people who are hypersensitive to certain allergens to reduce their sensibility .

As emergency treatment we often have resorts to medicines named antihistaminic whose goal is to inhibit the receivers in histamine and so prevent the declaration of the allergic reaction.

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